
Properly Promoting Pipelines

At EngineerBetter we spent a lot of time building Concourse pipelines to deploy complex systems such as Cloud Foundry. Here is an example of one of these pipelines: Deploying Cloud Foundry the ri...

Improving Concourse Performance

I used to work for a company called EngineerBetter where we maintained an open-source tool for deploying and managing Concourse. This was originally called concourse-up and was later renamed to Con...

Concourse Teams - Authentication and Automation

Configuring authentication providers in Concourse is often a source of confusion, with gotcha’s that make it easy for newcomers to remove their colleagues’ access. In this post I explain how Concou...

BOSH-ception: Deploying a BOSH-lite Director on AWS

At EngineerBetter two things we loved doing were writing tests and pipelining anything that moves. In 2020 when working with a client we found ourselves working on some custom BOSH releases. Natura...

Yubikeys for Static Secrets

You can use your Yubikey to remember and type an arbitrary string, as well as using it as a OTP generator and a secure store for your SSH key. We use this so that we don’t have to remember our 1Pas...

Yubikeys for Signed Git Commits

By signing our Git commits, we can allow folks to verify that they were really written by the author tagged on the commit. If you’ve got a Yubikey set up as per our other blog posts, it’s a doddle ...

Yubikeys for Two-Factor Auth

If you’re amassing a plethora of user accounts that require two-factor authentication (2FA) and let’s face it, you should, then you’ll be pleased to learn how you can use a USB Yubikey to avoid hav...

Yubikeys for SSH Auth

You can use a Yubikey USB device to securely generate and store your SSH key. This can be used to load your private key on demand, protected by a PIN. Perfect for pair-programming on shared machine...

Yubikey All The Things

A guide on how to use Yubikey USB security devices for the following purposes: Stores and loads our personal SSH keys Provides one-touch two-factor authentication Stores and recalls our 1Pa...